
Friday, October 28, 2016

Graphic LCD Module: Its Five Layers and Their Functions and Qualities

Ever wondered how devices display graphics and text on their screen? It’s the work of a graphic LCD module. An electronic visual display technology, a graphic LCD implements tiny crystals made from a liquid-crystal solution. The tiny crystals are manipulated to create images on a two-dimensional screen by producing accurate electronic signals.

That is how a graphic LCD works, but there’s more to it than that, and it’s important to understand how this technology works for you to utilize it properly in the manufacture of devices.

The Five Layers

A graphic LCD has five basic layers that are parallel to each other. The first and second layers are responsible for transforming and changing light signals’ polarization to create images. Once the signals are polarized and hit the third layer, the technology is able to determine the required color and shape of the image that will be displayed. Read more on this article.

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